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Our teams worldwide are involved in specific projects that are aligned with our goal to make Jesus known. Anyone can become involved in these projects through praying, giving and serving. Which project interests you?
We believe God is raising up a new generation of missional leaders to bring the Gospel to places where it has never...
The Christmas season often provides unique opportunities to talk with people about Jesus. In places like Chiang Mai,...
QUESTION: Would you help transform entire communities through empowering single mothers and widows to provide for...
Will you help reach and disciple vulnerable children in northern Brazil?
This project serves to assist the Peruvian Mennonite Brethren Conference (CPHM) with their pastoral training and...
Will you help bring the hope of the Gospel to migrant people groups in East Asia?
$12116.88 Needed
Will you help Ukrainian children and families recover from the trauma of war, build healing friendships, and envision...
As opportunities for outreach and training continue to grow, Central Asia Resourcing has been established to support...
The BC STM Bursary fund serves to assist young adult participants, interns, and apprentices who are looking to serve...
Multiply partners with an organization in South Asia called DMI (acronym only, for restricted protocol in this...
This project supports church planting initiatives in Dnipro, Zaporozhye, and Kiev, and the churches in Berdyansk,...
Will you help to equip and resource national leaders for church planting in Central Asia?